Tintin Wiki
Poldavian Ambassador

The Poldavian consul to China.

Poldavia is a country in The Adventures of Tintin mentioned only in The Blue Lotus, when the Poldavian consul is mistaken for Tintin in The Blue Lotus. The nation, due to its name, is presumably somewhere in Eastern Europe. This is also hinted at in The Blue Lotus TV episode in The Adventures of Tintin TV series where the character of the consul is given an Eastern European-sounding accent.

The original French name was "Poldévie" and had been popularised a few years earlier in 1929 when several left-wing members of the French parliament had received letters urging them to aid the oppressed people of Poldévie. Some of them had written back expressing support and requesting further details, but the whole thing was a prank instigated by journalist Alain Mellet, a member of the extreme right-wing group Action Française.
